Frequently Asked Questions
Learn more with answers to frequently asked questions
What is SLO-NIACIN®?
SLO-NIACIN® contains niacin, a member of the vitamin B-complex group (nicotinic acid, vitamin B3) and is a dietary supplement. This product provides a slower release of niacin than conventional dosage forms. This may permit its use by those who do not tolerate immediate-release tablets.7
Is the nicotinic acid in SLO-NIACIN® natural?
The niacin, or nicotinic acid, used in SLO-NIACIN® is chemically synthesized. However, niacin is a naturally occurring B vitamin that aids in the function of the digestive system, skin, and nervous system.5 Learn more
How is SLO-NIACIN® different from other niacin dietary supplements?
The unique formulation of SLO-NIACIN® sets it apart from other dietary supplement niacin products. SLO-NIACIN® utilizes a unique polygel® controlled-release system, not available in other dietary supplement niacin products, that ensures the gradual and measured release of niacin. It is designed to reduce the incidence of flushing commonly associated with immediate-release niacin use.7 Learn more
How often should I take SLO-NIACIN®?
It is recommended to take 1 SLO-NIACIN® Tablet once a day (morning or evening), or as directed by your healthcare professional. SLO-NIACIN® is available in 3 strengths: 250 mg, 500 mg, and 750 mg. However, before using 500 mg of SLO-NIACIN® daily or more, consult a healthcare professional.7 Learn more
What is flushing?
Flushing is a common side effect of niacin therapy, including SLO-NIACIN®. Flushing may be associated with temporary itching and tingling, feelings of warmth, and headache, particularly when beginning or increasing the dose. These effects seldom require discontinuation of niacin.7 Learn more
What is flush-free niacin?
“Flush-free” types of niacin do not include nicotinic acid. Flush-free niacins include other forms of niacin such as inositol hexaniacinate, inositol hexanicotinate, or nicotinamide. While these forms of niacin may not cause flushing, these products are not clinically proven to support good cholesterol.8 Learn more
What does controlled-release mean?
SLO-NIACIN® Tablets utilize a unique polygel® controlled-release system, not available in other dietary supplement niacin products, that ensures the gradual and measured release of niacin. It is designed to reduce the incidence of flushing commonly associated with immediate-release niacin use.7 Learn more
What is the cost of SLO-NIACIN® Tablets?
At approximately $16.50 for one hundred 500-mg tablets, SLO-NIACIN® Tablets are an economical way to help support your healthy heart.
Do SLO-NIACIN® Tablets require a prescription?
No. SLO-NIACIN® Tablets with controlled-release niacin are a dietary supplement available without a prescription.
Can the SLO-NIACIN® Tablet pass through the body intact and appear in the stool?
It is not expected for persons taking SLO-NIACIN®, who experience regular bowel movements daily or less frequently, to pass an intact SLO-NIACIN® Tablet or a fragment of a tablet in the stool. However, occasionally a fragment of a tablet may be seen in the stool if a person has more frequent stools. If a tablet fragment is excreted intact, the user may not have received the full amount of niacin contained within the tablet.
Where can I buy SLO-NIACIN®?
As a dietary supplement, SLO-NIACIN® is conveniently available at pharmacies and other retailers nationwide. Where to buy
How long has SLO-NIACIN® been used?
SLO-NIACIN® has been on the market for more than 25 years. Niacin, or nicotinic acid, has been used since the 1950s to support healthy good cholesterol (HDL).*2
Who makes SLO-NIACIN®?
MainPointe Pharmaceuticals, LLC., a trusted manufacturer of high-quality dietary supplements and prescription products since 2017, manufactures SLO-NIACIN®. Learn more
Additional questions
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